On-Line Innovation Tools - iTools ® Training
Innovation Tools - iTools® lead to a significant increase in productivity in the innovation process. ITools ® are the most effective innovation tools that reduce innovation costs, improve innovation quality while minimizing innovation cycles
Target Group:
Six Sigma, DFSS & Lean practitioners, development team members, R & D and Marketing, Master Black Belts, Black Belts, Green Belts. Engineers, scientists, engineers and technicians from research and development, production planning, manufacturing and quality management from manufacturing and service companies
Training Goal:
Understand customer requirements and translate them to develop new products and new processes.
Involves the customer indirectly at every stage of the development process from research to development and production to marketing.
Avoid products being developed at the market by.
On the subject:
In the future, companies which will be able to transfer robust and innovative products into robust and innovative production processes while complying to the time to market deadlines, will be able to increase their productivity significantly. The goal of bringing products to the market with short ramp-up times, allowing them to start products at different production sites at the same time, and the goal to reduce the production and product costs will only be achieved with a methodology that makes the goal comprehensible and measurable.
The innovative design tools iTools ® supplement "New Generation Design For Six Sigma®" in error prevention and optimize the innovation process, the product design and the production process.
iTools ®
• Innovation Opportunity ®
• Innovation Matrix ®
• Innovation Scorecard ®
• Innovative Risk Assessment ®
• Innoway ®
After the end of the course, the participant receives the "Certificate Innovation Expert".
After successful completion of the innovation project, the participant receives the certificate "Certified Innovation Expert".
Training Duration:
1 Day On-Line Training with minimum 4 participants
This training can also be carried out in-house. For an in-house training, we will be happy to make an offer.
Scope of Services and Participation Fee:
Course Costs: 1.490,- EUR plus VAT
The participation fee has to be paid before the start of the course.
The Service Includes:
• Detailed training documents as pdf file
• Numerous MINITAB® data files for the exercises
• Numerous Excel tools
• Certificate Innovation Expert
Each participant must have a laptop with the software Microsoft® Excel from 2003, MINITAB® from R15, Adobe® Reader® from 5.0 onwards.